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Our Online Piano machine є високого класу віртуальний інструмент виробництва ясно, правильні звуки. Це дасть вам прекрасний шанс розвиватися краще музичний слух. It is able to entertain and educate at the same time! Music education and Solfege will never be boring again!

Besides playing it online, you can also download this piano as game to play it in your computer. The site also has piano emulator, online keyboard piano, interactive online piano, free piano lesson, online piano flash and games for piano.


Download Online piano machine | Live a comment about this music game


You can click on several keys in a row (including rests if desired) and they'll show up in the stave below; the Play button then replays all of them - good for learning a sequence of notes, and Loop will repeat it over and over to really get the pitches into your head. Temp. is self-evident, you can set the speed so it plays back faster or slower. Sound's a bit too sustained for my taste, but that's just a quibble.  

Play a piano game. Play the piano using your mouse or your computer's keyboard. This is Piano keyboard online game. Students are given many opportunities to play for recitals and other functions. Accompanists work with other faculty and students to present concerts and recitals. As you play the piano, you'll hear them. Online piano is a high-class virtual instrument using breakthrough technology, available for PC and Mac and stand-alone player. To see a set of piano online games.

Users say about this online music game:

his game is pretty awesome but I agree it could have more songs but now I am a pro at playing the theme from Mario on the piano

Future Features of music game:

  • a 'keyboard tutor' mode, where you play the score
  • the musical score reflects your piano playing
  • an expanded musical selection
  • recording and playback modes
  • Midi file reading capability

Original and exciting way to learn music and piano playing.

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