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You need to specify three items to create a new derived Motive. First, the initial Motive. The initial Motive is input data for a method of motive development. Second, the motive, which will precede the new Motive. Third, a chord for the new Motive. Read more about the motive development here. Read about the principles of a melody development here.

 Figure 1.

Choose the initial Motive. The initial Motive is input data for a method of motive development. You may choose any Motive of a melody as the initial Motive. Then move the cursor to the panel (see number on Figure 1) and press the mouse button.

 Figure 2.

In our example, we use the 'Sequence Down' method of motive development. While the mouse is pressed, move the Motive (see number on Figure 2) to the tab signed 'Sequence Down' (see number on Figure 2). Now release the mouse button.

 Figure 3.

The program displays the dialog 'Wizard - Motive Development'. The dialog helps to create a new derived Motive. On the first step, it is necessary to specify a Motive, which will precede the new Motive. The initial Motive and the previous Motive is not the same. You may choose an any Motive of a melody as the initial Motive. On this step, we choose the Motive, which will precede the new Motive on the note stave. In some cases the initial Motive and the previous Motive are represented by the same Motive. This example, for the instance. The Demo Script (press the 'How to' button, or use the 'Demo' menu) demonstrates a variant where the initial Motive and the previous Motive are represented by different Motives. Click the mouse button on the area that is located above the Motive (see number on Figure 3) that is chosen to precede the new Motive. After the click, the area changes the colour from the grey colour to the lilac colour. Furthermore an arrow that connects the Motive and a panel with the derived Motives appears. The Motive, which precedes the new Motive should have a full set of chords. The Wizard needs to know the previous Motive to be able to suggest the suitable chords that can follow a last chord of the previous Motive (see step two). Moreover, some methods of the motive development move the notes of the new Motive to smooth the transition from the previous Motive to the new one. For this purpose it is also necessary to know the previous Motive.

 Figure 4.

Press the 'Next' button (see number on Figure 4) to continue.

 Figure 5.

On the second step, the Wizard suggests to choose a chord for the new Motive in the Chord Editor that appears on the right (see number on Figure 5). To learn how to use the Chord Editor, press the button in the bottom left corner of the Chord Editor (see number on Figure 5).

 Figure 6.

Choose the chord and press the 'Finish' button that is located at the bottom of the dialog 'Wizard - Motive Development' (see number on Figure 6).

 Figure 7.

You may listen the new Motive by pressing the button, marked by the number on Figure 7. Now move the cursor to the panel that is located on the left from the new Motive and press the mouse button. While the mouse is pressed, move the cursor (see number on Figure 7) to the position, that is marked by number on Figure 7. Now release the mouse button. This copies the new Motive into the stave.

 Figure 8.

You can see the result on Figure 8.

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