Archive for the 'instruments' Category

Virtual Piano

Virtual Piano - Incredible project! Highly recommend! Below is just an example of what
can be done with this virtual keyboard.

Игра на ударных установках

Видео от московского музыканта и преподавателя Александра Федотова. Видео представляет собой домашнюю съемку, надо заметить весьма прилично отмастеренную. Александр расскажет о своей установке, основных принципах игры и о своем понимании партий ударных инструментов. Естественно, много внимания уделено технической стороне вопроса: звукоизвлечение, техника игры рук, техника игры ног. Естественно, материал подкрепляется упражнениями для проработки.

Van CLIBURN plays RACHMANINOV 3d Concerto VIDEO Moscow 1958 (4-5)

Van CLIBURN plays RACHMANINOV 3d Concerto VIDEO Moscow 1958 (4-5)

music piano keyboard v1

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Moments of Happiness (Flowers of Japan)

Moments of Happiness (Flowers of Japan)

Simple Formula for Remembering Chords on the Piano

With this one short tutorial you’ll learn the simple yet reliable formula for playing and remembering hundreds of chords on the piano! This tutorial covers the Major, Minor and Seventh chords but the concept can be carried over to any type of chords out there.

Just remember the rule of 7 and count upward from the root of the chord at the intervals specified in the video.

Keep practicing and don’t forget to leave a comment by clicking on the comment link or entering them in the form below!

Arthur Rubinstein - Grieg Piano Concerto 1st mov (1)

Arthur Rubinstein - Grieg Piano Concerto 1st mov (1)

Grieg Concerto Movement 2 and 3 (3 of 3)

Grieg Concerto Movement 2 and 3 (3 of 3)

Piano Lessons Made Easy!

Have you ever wanted to play piano? Have your kids learn piano? It’s as easy as 1-2-3: 1 is your thumb, 2 is index finger, etc. to 5 for pinky. If you can read, write, and do arithmetic, you can easily learn piano!

In fact, the easiest song to learn is Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had A Little Lamb). You can play these with three fingers of your right hand; put your thumb on middle C (the white key to the left of the two black keys). Start with your middle finger. Here are the finger numbers:

3 2 1 3 2 1 11112222 3 2 1

That’s it! Here’s Mary Had a Little Lamb:

3 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 1

Spacing represents timing; close numbers are faster; spaces are pauses. Learning to play by ear is the same except for mimicking what you hear rather than what you see. One is hearing the changes in notes, the other is seeing the changes in notes.

It’s best to have a good private teacher, but it is possible to teach yourself or your children for the first year or so with a little effort. Private teachers are an excellent source of knowledge and motivation.

All you need is a book that is self-explanitory. Our book ‘Teach Your Kids First-Year Piano’ is due out January 2011. Most books are not designed for self teaching, they are designed for piano teachers that know the missing information.

Teaching yourself or teaching your child for the first year is very doable. Frederic Chopin was largely self-taught! It’s just a matter of perseverance.

I recommend learning by number with thumbs on middle C. You can also learn by ear this way. Once finger coordination is mastered, rhythm should be introduced. Finally note letters are added. These are the big three which make up the bulk of learning in the first three years.

If your kids are learning, go through their lessons with them. It builds rapport and you learn too! I’ve been playing for 32 years, and I’m still learning. Music is the universal emotional language. Musicians never get bored because there’s always more to learn.

Chopin Nocturne Op.9 No.2 (Arthur Rubinstein)

Chopin Nocturne Op.9 No.2 (Arthur Rubinstein)