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Home furnishing: BargainValueDeals

Sara Sara

Home furnishing is such a vast field that its simply impossible to sum it up in a single article. A lot can be said about it, and right now I am confused that where do I start from? I think home decorating is a talent to display your inner self and everyone can do this because you are the best judge of what you want to have in your home? No one can put your ideas in reality as you can. Though there are times when a designers decor is just what you were looking for but you ll agree these are rare chances and there always remain a space to add something, which is missing. Lets fill this missing place with what you are really fond of. The range that falls under home furnishing is almost everything you can possibly think of. Lets narrow down our search of home decor

Home furnishing doesn t mean that you have to buy more decoration pieces for the house though this helps in adding charm to your home but you can also use the basic accessories you already have to furbish the house. Take some care before buying anything. Let your imagination loose and make a vivid picture in your mind how you want to decorate your house? Then get to work and revolutionize your imagination into reality. Does a classy Victorian style haunt you or you want to stick to very simple sleek fast color things. That s what is needed to be determined before plunging for decoration. After you are confirmed what you want? Then you can find a generous amount of chance of including solid wood, metal, and glass or brass ornamental furniture accessories. On further classification you can go for walnut or any other wooden plain or carved craftsmanship. If you posses a big house then you can easily go for heavy and carved, antique vintage home furnishing other wise with a small house the new stylish but lus trous modern furniture or western home furnishing will be the best choice. Some people like giving a rustic look that really looks very unique.

With different kinds and different mediums of furniture you can make your home a new place to live in. Kids (http://www.ticketnest.com/Children-Family.php) are also not left behind. You can transform their room in to a mini Disney Land or a playroom. There are cute study tables and cupboards, which not only serve the purpose of cleaning up their room but will also look like decorative kids furniture. Bestow your room with extra elegance with putting a mere piece of matching or contrast carpet. Illuminate your home with colors and lights with stylish candles along with silver-plated candle holder that will also fills your room with an alluring aroma to make your day full of magic. Add a natural touch

Not only big things some times small stuff can also sprinkle glory to the place as you can have a fascinating clock that will fill the whole wall with its charming design or on the other on an empty wall you can put a timeless piece of art a painting, which will be enough to pack the walls emptiness with its aura. Ordinary daily house hold things like shoe organizer, padded fabric hangers, sweater selves if placed properly or go with the tone and flow of the room can look nice and compliment your house. Place a little mantle piece in the corner and the unwanted dark corner is decorated, next throw some dim dreamy light on it with an elegant shaded light fixture or lamp and that bleak nook of your home is transformed in the most eye catchy area. Designers crystal vases, sculptures and ornamental bottles also set brilliance to the interior. Ceiling fans, decorative pillows, shams, and rocking chairs also fit in the adornment category. Metal chairs and metal stools as well as garden accessories make your exterio r more spectacular.

The exterior and interior both in totality create your home into a place worth living. Some home-lovers aspire to furnish their home in a unique way that its outlook becomes like a model house. In that case you can play with fusion of different styles of home decoration to innovate your own style that will be a reflection of your taste and desire and also will have exceptionality in it. Engraved glass coat racks, glass heart mirrors, and wavy etched glass octagon tables, dressing armoires are good alternatives for having a novel decor. Large lace doily, ceramic figurine, crystal confection bowl, talking pinatas, balloon lights, table scarves and curtains can also produce the magic of novelty. Mirrors are really awesome for the makeover of a wall. Moreover curtains though they don t fall under embellishments, as I believe they are necessity of a house but they can simply make a huge difference and give a traffic revolution to your room.

The basic rule for home furnishing is that it should look lovely to eyes and comfortable to live in. Double check this point; it should be very, very comfy. Dont stuff your room with a lot of bric-a-brac just for the sake of re-furbishing rather emphasize on comfort. If any thing is in your way or a hindrance for kids then instead of looking good itll be a naissance. Dont cramp your house with clatter of things. Arrange them re-arrange them do it over and over again till you get it right, be creative free your mind for creation. Try things with different combinations and this experience of repeated attempts may hit an enthralling recipe. This experience will lead you to suit you best, decorating is not an easy task but the contentment of seeing your own creation is worth taking the pain. Moreover, obviously affordable home furnishing would be your motive so never let it slip from your mind.

Another tip for furnishing is always start with your focal points, then spot associated things and all other things will automatically start falling in their right places. You may not be familiar with focal points, let me give you an idea. Possible focal points include TV cabinets, beds, large painting, elegant bookcases, a table and chair, fireplace, piano, large aquarium and so on so for. Just keep one thing very clear in your mind, dont gather all things on one side thisll give the other end a much-drained look. Co-ordination is the keyword for decorating. Try to fabricate harmony in all the things. If you want to put a lot of things or you have to put all things, selves can be very useful. They also look intriguing if trimmed nicely. Follow the basic interior designing facts like if your room is big dont put your furniture on the far end of walls, close it in and on the other hand if the room is small, put the furniture on such an angle that it gives a spacious look besides this invent your own themes. In the last but not least dont forget the wind chimes besides giving beauty it will sing unheard melodies to you and takes to you to a utopia.

For more information about Home Furnishing visit: http://www.bargainvaluedeals.com/home-furnishing.php

My first piano teacher Gertrud Nettl

American Music Teacher , April-May, 2005 by Paul Stewart

My mother was determined that my brother and I would receive piano lessons. The year was 1951; the circumstances of our first instruction were unique, at least by the standards in our small, provincial town of Ellettsville, Indiana--population 1,500. Fortunate for my musical future, Ellettsville was located seven miles from the Indiana University School of Music. My mother creatively arranged for Gertrud Nettl to teach in our living room on Saturday mornings. In compensation for the use of our home as the piano teaching studio and for my mother`s active recruitment of additional area students, Mrs. Nettl provided a full scholarship for our lessons. At my mother`s 90th birthday in January 2000, I acknowledged her tenacious efforts and publicly thanked her for the precious gift of musical training and especially for securing Gertrud Nettl as my beginning piano teacher.

Even though, in 1951, I was a naive nine-year-old boy who would rather shoot baskets than play Bach and practice scales, I have fond, vivid memories of those early piano lessons. One activity we did, which I still mention to my college pedagogy classes, was an exercise in ear training. We would line up throw rugs on the hardwood floor and assign a musical note name to each of them. I would then take melodic dictation by jumping to the rug that represented the pitch she played.

The story of Gertrud Nettl`s journey to Bloomington, Indiana, and, ultimately, to our living room in 1951 for piano lessons, would be sufficient material for a novel or movie script. She was born Gertrud Hutter, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and attended the Prague Musikhochschule, majoring in piano and minoring in dance. By age 19, she had begun concertizing in Prague, performing the standard repertoire, as well as Schoenberg and Busoni. In the late 1920s and 1930s, she played frequently in various Czechoslovakian towns, as well as in Vienna and Frankfurt, including concerti performances like Mozart`s D Minor Concerto, K. 466. In 1928, she married the noted musicologist Paul Nettl, who was seventeen years her senior. Commuting monthly to Vienna, she continued her music studies with Conrad Ansorge and, particularly, with the great interpreter of new music Eduard Steuermann. She also studied the Jaques-Dalcroze method, which she pursued at the original Dalcroze School in Hellerau.

In 1939, after living for a half year under the Nazi occupation, the family was forced to immigrate to the U.S. because Paul Nettl`s Jewish background placed him in mortal danger. Paul Nettl had taught in the German University of Prague until 1937; in 1939, he and his family were brought to America by means of a fund raised by the faculty and students of Westminster Choir College. After his arrival, Paul Nettl was given a special (non-permanent) appointment at the college, with a small salary. In reality, Gertrud Nettl was the principal breadwinner during this time with a large studio of private pupils and part-time positions at Westminster and the Philadelphia Music School Settlement. A letter from College President John Finley Williamson to the Indiana School of Music Dean Robert Sanders, explained why the college assisted Paul Nettl and his family. The letter states, "We assisted Professor Nettl because we considered him one of the five greatest musicologists in the world, and knew he would be ki lled if he stayed in Europe." My mother recalls Mrs. Nettl sadly telling about two wonderful grand pianos she was forced to leave behind in Czechoslovakia.

During the family`s time in Princeton, Gertrud and her family became acquainted with distinguished scholars and scientists residing there, and she once famously accompanied Albert Einstein, a moderately distinguished amateur violinist, at a fundraiser. The references listed in the curriculum vitae that formed part of Paul Nettl`s application to Indiana University included Albert Einstein, German physicist and Nobel prizewinner in 1921; Alfred Einstein, German musicologist; and Thomas Mann, German novelist, critic and Nobel prizewinner in 1929.

During their residence in Princeton, Gertrud and her husband gave a series of lecture-recitals introducing to American audiences piano music by Czech and Bohemian composers, including works by Smetana, Janacek, Novak, Vorisek, Dvorak, Martinu and Schoenberg`s pupil Viktor Ullmann. Her repertoire also included Schoenberg, Berg and Bartok. She once performed for the American Society for Contemporary Music in New York.

In 1946, two immigrants were added to the faculty of the Indiana University School of Music. One was composer Bernhard Heiden, a German Jew who had studied with Paul Hindemith before coming to the U.S. in 1935 and who joined the school after wartime service in the U.S. Army. The other was the Czechoslovakian-born musicologist Paul Nettl, Gertrud`s husband, who was a prolific scholar, probably best known for his book, Mozart and Masonry.

Gertrud Nettl taught piano at Indiana University as a temporary instructor for three years. She gave recitals that included Schumann`s F-sharp Minor Sonata, Opus 17 Fantasia in C by Schumann, Beethoven`s "Tempest" Sonata, works by Smetana and Jahacek and Bach`s "Capriccio on the Departure of his Beloved Brother."

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