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An Alternative Way To Adjust Your Guitar Nut

By:Andrew Preston

Most new guitars arrive from the factory with the nut just barely playable. Older guitars may have the nut filed or worn down so much that fret buzz cannot be eliminated by neck or string height adjustment. If you have a new guitar, or you are replacing the nut with a new one, here is an alternative method to file and adjust the nut material to make your guitar play like the professionals guitars play.

Before adjusting anything, make sure your guitar is strung up correctly and that your neck is straight and not bowed or warped. If your neck is bowed you first need to adjust the truss rod. If your neck is warped it will require a more extensive repair. For the lowest possible action or to avoid fret buzz all across your finger board it may be necessary to have your frets leveled and crowned first.

You will need a set of nut files (available from Stewart MacDonald), and a good set of feeler gauges as well. Different grades of sandpaper are very useful too.

Fret each string individually, starting with the High E, between the second and third fret, use your feeler gauge to check the amount of space between the bottom of the string and the first fret. You should have approximately .005" of space between each one, with the string barely touching the second fret. If this measurement is close or dead on then move on to the next string right up to the Low E string. You may want to record the gap on a scrap piece of paper as you move across the fret board, to see the nut slot`s height in relation to the fret board as you do so.

For most players a string height (also known in guitar slang as ?action?) of 3/64" of an inch is considered normal. Some players choose a higher sting height such as 4/64" of an inch while players which tend to have a light touch and want the fastest action possible strive to lower the action as close as possible to 2/64" which in many case`s is very hard to setup and maintain without fret buzzing somewhere on the finger board.

Of course, you can use the traditional method to set your string height in relation to the nut, by using multiple feeler gauges below the nut, and filing down to the factory depth and width. However, I have found this method to provide a better and more consistent feel while playing near the nut.

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Article keywords: musical instruments , guitar repair , music , guitar

Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com

Andrew Preston is a professional guitar session player and dabbles in part time guitar repair. Your can see more information at Guitar Savant

Can You Still Play Guitar if You are Tone Deaf ?

By:ian Williamson

Having a disability should not be hindrance nor keep a person from pursuing a goal. Though the task may be difficult, it is not impossible.

A good example is Beethoven. Though this composer could hear as a child, he gradually lost his hearing after many years of playing the piano. It did not stop this not stop him from creating many masterpieces that are still played and treasured today. The secret was being able to feel the vibrations each time the keys were depressed.

Being tone deaf means that a person is not able to distinguish various pitches. Though it does not occur often, a person who has this problem can still learn how to play a guitar.

Songs are made up of different notes and at various pitches. Since each note has a distinguishable tone, start by playing each note and listening to each one carefully. When the person has is able to distinguish the changes, he can start playing the song.

It takes visualization for this to happen he should look at the reflection in a mirror when striking each chord. Later, when he is confident, he can try playing it without any visual aid.

Making some improvements to the instrument will also assist the player. The inlay is one part of the guitar that needs to be modified. Usually, this comes in dots, diamond shapes and parallelograms. By adding lights to it, the person will know at what pitch is being played so that he can still know the tone of the music.

If the person is financially able he can have the guitar wired to a machine that will monitor the notes being strummed and comparing that with the notes of the song. By knowing where the mistakes are made when practicing on it, he will be able to correct them and play correctly.

Tone deafness is something that may have been inherited at birth or may happen to a person later in life. Even though a person may have this disability, it should not hinder anyone who has the desire to enjoy playing music. Remember that here are others who have experienced this difficulty and it did not stop them from singing or playing a musical instrument.

Learning how to play the guitar a bit slower than those who have normal hearing, you will be able to play just as well in a matter of time.

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Article keywords: guitar techniques , guitar tips , guitar tuning , acustic guitar , guitar care

Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com

For More Information on Guitar Playing by Ian Williamson please visit http://www.real-articles.com/Category/Guitar/96

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